Yin Resources
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The Alchemical Journey - A meditation (as mentioned on page 34 of the book) and Yin Yoga Journey (as mentioned on page 52)
Yin Yoga and the Meridians
Meridian Map of the body
I outline the meridians and their connected organs in the book - but if you want to see in more detail the beautiful map of meridians through the body - this image is a great resource! See the lines of each meridian are also coloured with their elemental energy as well. As a reminder:
Wood: Gallbladder (yang) + Liver (yin)
Fire: Heart (yin) + Small Intestine (yang) & Pericardium (yin) + Triple burner (yang)
Metal: Lungs (yin) + Large Intestine (yang)
Water: Kidneys (yin) + Bladder (yang)
Earth: Spleen (yin) + Stomach (yang)
Online Resources/Reading List
The Tao Te Ching- These are two translations that are available freely online:
· Translation by Gia-fu feng and Jane English - terebess.hu/english/tao/gia.html#1972
· At taoism.net
About Yin Yoga, and pioneers of the practice
Both websites share a wealth of studies into the benefits of self-compassion, meditation and mindfulness
Meditations with me! A great free resource and over 60 of my own meditations to help you journey to stillness
The Celtic Cauldrons
In the book I talk of Celtic texts that outline the idea of the cauldrons of the body. This text is the Cauldron of Poesy: medieval Irish text that celebrates the qualities of a trio of metaphysical cauldrons of the human body. Written by Irish filidh (a poet/bard) known as Amirgen Whiteknee around the 7th century.
There are various translations, this one is a translation and study.
Translated Extract:
Poetic inspiration activates it
joy runs it,
it is manifested through sadness
constant its power,
which therefor perishes not.
The Caldron of Motion sings.
One of the many messages within this text was that when you attend to into your Cauldrons, you can fill them with energy, attention and awareness, gaining understanding and peace.
The Cauldron of Knowledge/Wisdom (Coire Sois) at the head
The Cauldron of Vocation/Motion (Coire Ernmae/Ermoi) at the heart and chest
The Cauldron of Warming (Coire Goirath) at the belly/pelvis/base of spine