Reading Mindfully; How to quiet your monkey mind

Do we need to practice mindful reading? in a world that is more full of distraction than ever before, perhaps you feel yourself skimming though pages and not absorbing or remembering anything of what you've just read? Or you sit down to start a new book and find yourself picking up your phone for a 'quick scroll though Instagram' and find an hour has gone by and the book is still unopened!

If this sounds like you, a few tips to help to get back on reading track!

  • Leave you phone in another room, so you don't keep peering at it, or worse, start scrolling though Instagram instead of reading - remove the temptation!
  • To help remember what you’ve read, engage in debate and discussion. Book clubs are great for this.
  • If a book isn’t working for you, come back to it another time, sometimes you need to be in the right headspace to really appreciate or connect with a book
  • Vary between fiction and non-fiction; both benefit us in different ways.
  • My personal favourite: Allow yourself an hour to get lost in a good bookshop. (Both Mr B's Emporium and Toppings in Bath will bring your a hot cup of coffee while you peruse! Heaven!)