Whilst Yoga cannot cure such conditions as endometriosis, it is a form of gentle exercise that those suffering from the condition can find enjoyable as well as potential to alleviate symptoms. In addition the breathing exercises of pranayama can help relieve pain, reduce discomfort, and promote feelings of relaxation.
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The Curvy Yogi Awards
10 Tips for Teaching at Om Yoga Show
Hot on the heels of teaching my first class at Om Yoga Show, I wanted to share 10 quick insights for any yoga and meditation teachers thinking of embarking on this adventure themselves! for those that don't know, the Om Yoga Show is an event run by Om Yoga Magazine, its the biggest yoga, wellness and wellbeing event in the UK each year show run in London and Manchester, I also believe there have been a few Glasgow shows too. I went to my first Om show almost 10 years ago, long before I became a teacher, the events have grown massively in these 10 years and I was delighted to teach an open class at this year's event. Want to be part of the fun? here are some ideas!