Yoga Women & Words

Yoga Women & Words

I’ve written my second book on yoga and magic, and a beautiful human I know who is training to be a yoga teacher asked me recently to recommend some yoga books written by women - as the required reading for her course featured only books written by men.

So, Here is a list of yoga books by women! Because for many reasons, I think we need them more than ever right now (and always)

Namaste. X

Kitting Out Your Lovely Lockdown Home Yoga Studio!

Kitting Out Your Lovely Lockdown Home Yoga Studio!

I’ve said many times that you don’t NEED any kit to practice yoga at home, just a little space upon a floor.

However - if you should WANT to create your space, and there can be a lovely sense of order in creating and claiming your special sanctuary space.

These are what I personally recommend. I’ve used amazon links as they are still running and delivering!